Product FAQ's
Use the navigation bar on the left to view customer's most frequently asked product related questions by model number. Check here first to see if we've already posted an answer to your question.
Click the FAQ tab on the navigation bar (above) for frequently asked questions about water filtration and purification.
Product Specs, Manuals, and Maintenance Guides & Videos
Use the navigation bar on the left to learn about the specific requirements for each system. Our products are designed to operate on the majority of municipal water supplies and private wells. In rare cases, pre-treatment may be necessary.
Our Policies
Use the navigation bar on the left to view our policies regarding returns, warranty issues, and how we use your private information. Also find language describing legal terms and disclaimers.
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Wholesale Distribution Opportunities
Licensed health care professionals such as MD's, ND's, Acupuncturists, and Chiropractors who promote a wellness lifestyle based upon healthy diet and exercise can purchase our products for distribution through your clinic.
Nutritionists, massage therapists, and fitness professionals, yoga studios, health clubs, spas, physical therapy centers and other health/fitness centers are also welcome to apply.
Click the "Contact Us" link above, or call toll free 866.444.9926 for qualifications and/or requirements.